RSD policies

Code of Conduct, Safety & Privacy

To safeguard everyone’s time here at The Renaissance School of Dance (RSD) and make sure we are all smooth sailing we have created a code of conduct as well as a safety and privacy policy. If anything is unclear or unwritten below please feel free to contact us to resolve any issue or queries.


FEES: Families who do not comply with their fee or costume payment obligations may be charged a late fee, and/or excluded from performances. External debt collection may occur when fees remain overdue and this will be at the expense of the client. 


PAYMENTS Payments are ‘uploaded’ to your account in the Parent Portal Account (accessed via our RSD App) on the 25th of the month FOR the following month.\

Your account is automatically set up for Direct Debit to “PAY AUTOMATICALLY” – with payments charged to a debit or credit card on the 5th of the month. Please note: We are no longer accepting direct debit payments from a bank account.

You can change your ‘Membership Type’ to “PAY MANUAL” in the RSD App – meaning you take responsibility to log into to make the payment using a debit/credit card. 


With both payment options:


There are transaction fees that the e-payment company adds on, these are as follows: Credit/Debit Card 82c per transaction. Visa/Mastercard 3.45% on transaction value. Failed transaction: 82c each time.


ANY MONTHLY FEES not paid by the end of the month will have a $10 late fee added.


Please note If you decide to withdraw or change classes you must contact our admin team before the end of the month for changes to occur the following month. You will continue to be automatically charged for classes until you notify us via email


Where possible, we will endeavour to arrange make-up lessons for classes cancelled by RSD, or will offer an alternative class. Refunds and credits will not be issued for missed classes due to non-attendance, sickness, cancellation, public holiday, school holidays, or covid isolation – there are makeup classes available to book.



Your child’s attendance in class is very important to their peers and our teaching staff. As a member of the team, it is a commitment for you to ensure your child attends their classes on time each week and attends all lessons planned for them. Not only do absences impact the routines we create, it also impacts the social and confidence building principles we work hard to foster in each age group. If you know ahead of time that your child will be absent due to holidays, commitments or school trips, please let us know ahead of time so the class impact is minimal. If your child is too unwell to attend class, we ask that you inform our admin team as soon as you can so they can let the teachers know and preparations can be made to catch up on any missed work. We may be able to accommodate make-up sessions for students who miss classes, please talk to us about this should the situation occur. We will make every endeavour to schedule a catch-up class in the unlikely event that RSD needs to cancel a lesson. 


There are no refunds for classes not attended. 


PICK UP: We are unable to take responsibility for our students before or after their scheduled classes and it is the responsibility of the parent to ensure their child is picked up and dropped off on time. In the case of an emergency or unavoidable delay, please contact the studio immediately to inform us of the situation so we can keep your child calm and safe until they can be collected. Do not encourage your child to wait in the car park or on the roadside.


TIMETABLING: RSD management reserves the right to change teachers or timetabling when necessary at any time throughout the year. Parents/caregivers are not permitted to watch classes from within the classroom itself, as this distracts all students in the class. However, there are waiting areas provided for each studio and viewing windows.


COMPLAINTS: Any questions or complaints must go through the office: parents and students are not permitted to contact RSD teachers directly via personal phone, or via email / social networking with studio issues unless it has been broached with the studio director first. Personal meetings with the studio director can happily be arranged.


PROPERTY: RSD takes no responsibility for any stolen or misplaced property on the studio premises and we encourage our families to avoid bringing valuable items into the studio where possible.


STUDIO CONDITIONS: The dance studios are a gum-free and smoke-free zone. When entering and exiting the studios, be considerate to the classes already in progress; be quiet and do not disturb their learning. With the safety of our families a number one priority, RSD is very serious about upholding Child Protection laws and policies within the studio as well as at public performances and in the online arena (website and social media). Staff at RSD are educated in the negative impact of inappropriate music and costume selection when it comes to performing dance routines and are wholeheartedly committed to ensuring children in all of our dance routines are not subjected to any inappropriate songs or costuming. We recognise that songs with sexist, explicit, violent, racist, homophobic or criminal content may influence our dancers and/or audience and will strive to avoid using such music. We are committed to restricting costumes that project sexuality; contain explicit graphic or textual content.


MOBILE PHONE USE FOR STUDENTS: At RSD, we’re all about fostering a positive and focused learning environment for our students. To maintain a distraction-free atmosphere during class, we have a cellphone policy in place. Students are required to refrain from using cellphones during class, including texting, calling, or any other phone-related activity. They are encouraged to turn off or silence notifications on their phones and securely store them in designated areas. Alternatively, students can leave their phones with their teacher at the beginning of class. In case of emergencies, parents can reach out to the studio phone number. Additionally, we understand the importance of being reachable in emergencies, so while notifications need to be silenced, students are allowed to leave their ring tones on for parental contact during urgent situations.

MOBILE PHONE USE FOR PARENTS: Parents are kindly requested to avoid using phones inside the studio during class time to avoid distracting your child, other children and the teachers and step outside for urgent calls. Important updates will be communicated through official studio channels. By enrolling at RSD, both students and parents acknowledge and agree to comply with this cellphone policy, helping us create a conducive and enjoyable learning environment for all.


PRIVACY: Our enrolment form collects personal information about you. Under the Privacy Act 1993, you are entitled to have access to, and request correction, this information which is held at the RSD premises. As part of your registration, you will have read and signed a media waiver allowing us to proudly use images and video footage of your student for advertising and promotional purposes. Should you have any concerns whatsoever with signing this declaration, please talk to our staff who will happily assist you.


INJURY: RSD is not liable for personal injury whilst on the premises. RSD will aim to provide a safe learning environment to reduce risk of injury. RSD provides qualified and/or experienced dance teachers, who actively promote safe dance practice. This being the case, it should be realised that injuries do occur from time to time and students must accept this element of risk. It is the student’s parents/guardians responsibility to notify their teacher in the event of injury/medical conditions or disabilities prior to class. At the commencement of each class, it is the student’s or students/parents or guardians responsibility to inform their teacher of any injury which is being treated or may be of concern. All dancers are required to have the correct shoes for class. According to new ACC laws, you are required to have suitable footwear for dancing at all times while in the studio. We will not be liable for any injuries caused, due to the lack of inappropriate footwear. Students must be punctual to ensure they receive a complete warm up. A First Aid Kit is available to any student through their teacher or reception. We do not provide anyone with medication or administer to students.


DISMISSAL: RSD also maintains the right to dismiss any student who breaches any of the stated Terms and Conditions, damages property or causes disruptions to any classes of a severe nature. The decision is at the discretion of the dance Directors.

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